Friday, November 28, 2008


Forgive me…I have captured you…
with my pen.

Now the reader captures you in his




Sleep comes like those tiny raindrops
that develop into a flood:
drip… drop… tick… tock…
Symptoms of tiredness first knock the door
in my head then suddenly…
I am carried on a blanket of dreams
onto a bed in the gardens of paradise!
Good night, Princely!

>>written on my bed by a VERY VERY tired me!!

Kisses Better Than Wine | Divine Romance!

You have trapped me in your presence
and locked a smile on my face
My heart beams with joy
jolly rays radiating from within
Your desire is me…
…and I desire you
We are deeply in love – stuck in joy –
swimming together in swamps of satisfaction
– running in prairies of peace –
and dancing…
…in a wilderness of wonder
You are a mystery I do not want to solve
– I cannot, even if I try!
I know that I am lost in blessedness
I cannot run away from the infinite
grasp of your love…
My spirit feels you like the wind, I cannot
touch you but I feel your touch,
Bless me again with your kisses…
…they are better than life.

>>To Jesus

The Death Of Time

If time dies will we all die with it?
Where will we go?
Where will we be?
Where will we do?
Where will be the avenue of life?

Do we hold time?
Or is it time that holds us?

Does time move?
Or is it we who move in time?

Who are we?

What is time?

What if time dies?

But time will never die,
For all things exist in time
(And things will always exist)

If time dies “nothingness” will exist
…and it will exist at that time

So time can not cease to exist
And existence exists only in time

Which is the mother? (and which the child?)
The chicken or the egg?
à none is the mother (and none the child)
…both are beings

Which is the mother? (and which the child?)
Time or existence?
à none is the mother (and none the child)
…both are!

Time will not die, it will always exist;
And existence will always be in time
(another proof for eternity)

Eternity | Through The Eyes Of Time


…the ellipsis symbolize a territory unexplored
by the mind… where travelers wander in
wonder… and find… [--]… more ellipsis…

If Tears Could Cry

>>one of my old onesAug '08

If tears could cry…
If emotions could feel…
If pain felt pain…
If smiles could smile…
If laughter could laugh…
…and dreams could dream

What if they could?

One’s spirit knows him full well…
…for it is him

If tears could cry they’d cry so hard
Because they know the value of tears:
…the release that they offer
…the consolation they bring
…the power they carry and express
If tears could cry they’d cry and cry and cry…

If pain felt pain it would savor every moment
It would dive into the depths of each second of pain
For it knows the value of pain:
…the lessons learnt
…the experience gained
…the character it brings out and develops
If pain felt pain it would indulge in the moments…

If dreams could dream they’d do so every time
For they know the power of dreams:
…the inspiration
…the revelation
…the innovation
If dreams could dream I’d dream to be one

If smiles could smile they’d do just that
They’d swim in the ocean of smiles
For they know the worth of a smile:
…the love it shares
…the beauty revealed
…the joy released
If smiles could smile I’d smile at them

If you could cry, and feel, and smile,
And laugh, and dream…
…wouldn’t you do all that?

But wait! Can’t you??

Cupid's Eyes

Peep through the windows of your heart.
See yourself -
LOVE what you see!

And your heart’s door will open for you…
…you will be able to give love
and receive it!

Look at yourself, and love what you’re seeing:

Look into the mirror, and love what you see!

Look at your reflection in water, and love what you’re seeing!

Look into a friend’s eyes, and love what you see!

Peep deep into your heart, see yourself, and love what you’re seeing!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Alchemy | ((Unveiled Edition)) | Enjoy


Heavy trickles slowly down
And I in patience pine
Seconds run infinite to Town
For mercy’s strange to time –
But Town is not, so seconds frown
And Heavy still oozes fine –

My head aches as thoughts break
And I pull Ale and Cake
But Stomach fails to hold
And Ale falls, and Cake rolls
Down an endless Hole –

Eureka! –

I stretch my hand and wait to hold
From Heavy a weighty lump of Gold
But even Heavy now grows old
Even Air now is sold
(And still there is no Gold) –

Distraught I hop from my shop –
All life is Dope, there is no hope
And so I throw my Hands in Wind
And this void now becomes a friend

Touching Wind – holding Wind –
I cannot – but Wind touches me –
It holds and embraces me

Now in all, I see gold
In myself and in my world –

--all we do is Alchemy until we touch Wind--

>>One of the deepest pieces I've ever written!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Letter to...

Do I even know your name?
Yet I fear you!
Do you know mine?
Yet you scurry away
Every time you see me
Trying to get to you

You do not know my language –
I can’t even learn yours.
The only way we could talk
Is through the glitter of our eyes
But can you look into my eyes?
Cause I’m reading fear in yours

Let’s then speak the language of love
I’m told we all can speak it
And perfect love drives out fear
You won’t need to shy away

But will you give me a chance to love you?
Will you speak in love with me?
Because even if I love you
It’s your choice to receive it…
…or to throw my love away

I see you stretched on the rocks,
Basking in the Sun
I wish I would lie next to you
I wish we could talk…

I see you when I go for lunch
And as I scan the halls of academia
And many times I’m worried…
…worrying because I’m wanting:
(I want education, balance, progress…
…cars, cash, candy – and so much more)

I wish I had your life – simple yet complex!
Simple in that it lacks the complexities of wanting
Complex in that it is far too simple
I wish my needs were few, like you:
Air, food, and water!
(Really – isn’t that all I need)
Love removes boundaries.
But what if they are invisible?
What if the confines are hidden?

Let us face our differences
Let us search out the basis of our fears
Let us see the boundaries
And allow love to remove them

From the first day I saw you
I tried to guess your name
I said “maybe you’re a hyrax”
But I really wasn’t sure

Are you “Hyrax”?

Will your eyes ever tell me your name?
Will I ever peep into you, and see the beauty of your soul?

Why did we have to be different?
You a hyrax – me a man!
Wouldn’t it be better if we all were the same?

NO! It strikes me now as truth:
“The beauty of our Universe lies in its diversity”

Whence the Hyrax?
The same power that brought you brought me…
For the same reasons we live…
And the same beauty we all contain…
The same God gives meaning to both our lives…
…however different they are!

Letter to...
...a Hyrax at Daystar!!

The Artist Continues | This Time With Black And White!

This time he pulls a black canvas
And stretches it as far as the eye
Can see…
He then splashes a misty dark substance –
Adding depth to the plane surface
On which his art is emerging…
With a wave of his invisible hand,
Tiny shiny white dots appear –
Bringing life to the dull pitch blackness

He lays aside his paintbrush –
Waiting for tomorrow …

…and men go to bed

The Artist And His Paintbrush

>>I love this one

Using a voice I cannot hear
he calls me outside
and stuns me as I walk
by him in his workshop…

…his invisible hands reach out
and dim the lights
as I stand in silence
– my breath slowly seeping away

I adore his being – though
unseen – eyeing his palette –
picking his paintbrush –
and starting with orange…

…with magical whisks of the
intangible brush – held with
hands unseen – he transforms
the dull canvas into a play of colors

The orange turns to pink as the
fluffy whites become a fading blue
and time unnoticeably escapes
with the light – into a hazy blackness…

…and men go to sleep

When Titles Don't Matter

My eyes are fighting these tears
but the tears win the battle
There’s a wind blowing in my
heart – and it hurts – breaking
down things for long held dear

There’s a storm raging in the
hole in my soul; splashing
angry waves…
A thunder disturbs the delicate
internal balances that hold my
sanity and the essence that is me

Bolts of intangible pain electrify
my being – “Me” feels it strongly
Like seismic waves they shake
me up – disturbing the equilibrium
that I consist of – mind, body and spirit

>>God came in this day - and changed tha rest of my night!!
Thanx Dad!!

The Homecoming

>>written the day before recess!

Every drop of sunshine
Reminds me of the warmth
I feel in the hands of the one
I call Mama

Every bit of cloud
Reveals a silver lining
Reminiscent of the shiny gases
That wreath my beautiful

The seconds smile at me as they pass –
Running in slow-motion
Bringing memories of a home long left

I get on the bus

…Here I Come!!!

The Best Things

The best thing about me…
…is that I love the best thing.

The best thing about you…
…is that you’re the best thing!


A Loud Silence

The silence is so loud
…it’s the only thing you hear!

The sound of silence resonates
softly on the walls of my heart
where passions rage
with vehemence...

I am a pantomime -
acting out my life:
The storyline is a deadly reality
but I play my part - mute:
I can do nothing -

Can I?
I can do nothing but play
this horrid rehearsed silence -
as directed

The Play of Life:
Starring: Me!
Director: Me and ThaW!
Stage: The World

I star as a black star -

There are shackles in my mind
that I need to break from -
and my heart is locked away in
a cell called Life -
I need to break free!

But all I do - all day, all night -
in my daily fantasies
or in my tossing-turning dreams,
is play myself!


I speak silence -
I walk silence -
I eat silence -
I dream silence -

I am loudly silent!

I am ravaged with the feet of
oppression - crunched like a
crisp leaf in an Afrikan* summer
or like kribaa za mihogo in the
mouth of a desperate form two
- but I cry in silence!

My Harvard degree -
and presidency of the world -
does not help me
- I am strangled in silence!

My chidren's blood splashes like
the tomato juice that spills erratically
from a goat's mouth to the walls of
a dung-smeared hut
and I am the one who shoots at them
with spears and AK-47s -

I walk like Johnny Walker -
staggering softly through
the invigorating aroma of
fresh human urine and the
delicious stench of faeces
in a compost heap of flying
toilets -

while my wife's at home
by the hearth stones -
baby on her back -
blowing the cold ash with hope
that it will magically turn to fire

and my son silently shouts,
"Usijali mama, puliza tu!"

"Puliza tu Mama, moto utatokea!"

Mama's smile reveals her crooked
teeth, and the tears in her eyes
narrate the story experience has
taught her - again and again -

Pain rains -
daily -

The neighbors come and take
my goat away - then they put a red X
on the door of my dung hut -
then they pour water on it - and it
evaporates beneath this Afrikan
sun that bites -

then they smile at me - then they say
they want to "develop" me - then they
take my flying toilets away - then they
keep directing the play that is my life

I forgot to thank them for this jojo in
my stomach - they say they'll make me
throw up - and take it away - then make
me eat the dust...
and the vomit, too

and I play my part in silence!

They love me!
Both the audience and the director
I am their favorite actor!

They love my "obedience" -
and my mastery of miming
as a theatrical device -
they adore the sweet art of my silence!

And I - writhing in pain - take a bow

They shout their appreciation as I am
abased - to the ground -
they shout - but we do not hear!

The silence is so loud...
it's the only thing you hear!

When will I let my beauty arise??

Why Be Blind To Beauty??

>>another of my old ones; Aug '08

There’s a flower somewhere out there
…and a bee is landing on it
There are clouds right up above you…
…those fluffy cotton balls, completely thrown onto
an infinite sea of blue

There’s a giraffe somewhere in Tanzania…
…slim and tall, eyeing the acacia tree it eats
And a Zebra lies beside it…
…enjoying its reflection as it drinks
from a dirty little pond

There’s an endearing girl right next to you…
…and an adorable boy in front of you
There’s something so so beautiful…
…that lies within your reach

There’s so much beauty around us
crying for our attention…
…waiting to be seen!
But there’s so much beauty within us
lazily sleeping…
…lying undiscovered

But can we see all this?

We do not think we are beautiful…
…but I am wondering: then who is beautiful?
We do not love ourselves…
…how will we love anyone else?

Discover yourself, and so enjoy the beauty that resides in you!
Love yourself, and see how easily you will be loved (and love again)!

There is so much power in what

We do not see the beauty around us
Because we have closed our eyes
To the beauty within us

Partly inspired by these quotes:
"Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance!" - Oscar Wilde
"Never underestimate the power of your dreams!" - Kellie Beal

>>Dedicated to Kellie Beal, my BEAUTIFUL friend!!

Beauty In Tangles

Life is like a bundle of interwoven strings,
each adding to the beauty of the tangle,
– some see the beauty others the tangle.

Some see a beauty, some see a mess -

A Freezing of Moments!

>>this is another of my old ones; Aug 2008

She bends over the sink,
allowing her long hair to flow onto its wet surface,
then she tilts forward and her head knocks itself
on the tap –
She opens the tap:
A flood of a colorless existence pours down angrily
She stretches her hand, and touches the water.
And though her skin can feel water’s soft caress
Her thoughts are traveling to a non-existent land

She is looking at the water – seeing it – yet not seeing it
Vision looses sense

Thoughts in transit
Her brain is active but her mind is away

Before she returns to the commonplace
She dives deeper into the anti-ordinary
She touches her skin as if to ask
“Am I really here?”
She is convinced that she is not dreaming
– but she cannot prove that!

She looks around herself,
and touches her skin again
…No – she is not dreaming!

But maybe she is in someone else’s dream
Maybe life is just a dream God is having
- It is not!

She is.
She exists.
She has life.
(Or maybe it is life that has her?)

Life is not what we have – it’s what we’re looking for

Time moves us closer to truth

One day we will be able to answer all our questions!
I can’t wait for that day, God!

Seventeen! | Entering Unknown Beauties! | ((reentry for Seventeen Series))

#4 of the Seventeen Series

>>I wrote this on my birthday! (Princely Day '08)

And so now I AM seventeen!

The winds of change have blown me
and I have floated

I have flown on the wings of time
to this place
called today

- beautiful!

And I am faced by a faceless tommorrow
it peeps through the window of a today
that's climaxing into darkness as twilight
knocks in

My heart desires light -
and so it imitates the setting sun
as it sinks -
down the bottomless road of the earth

I desire light but darkness seeps in - mightily!

So I become a star
and as the dark gets darker -
I shine brighter

I paint the skies with light -
no matter how small I seem!

Like a marionette - 'cept with free will - I have
been sustained with strings invisible:
holding me - leading me - thru dusks and dawns:
He guides me!

Eternally - at least until now -
the light of day has faded
into the unknown emptiness of
the night -

Even now -
the lucid brightness of sixteen
is immersed in a quick evanescence -
it invisibly rushes past me - slowly:
it rushes slowly - and seventeen -
like a beautiful darkness -
comes in -

I enter you boldly!

Coldblooded Murder | At Bethel

I was in the corridor when
I heard a thud…
Minutes later I picked a note
…and it read:

Why did you have to disturb
me as I read my poems?
Why did you just come into
my room and disrupt my thoughts?
I was seated on the bed – in the
room – alone! Why did you come?
I was reading silently – absorbing
thoughts – seeing minds at work
and you came with your
mouth – humming and shouting.
Why did you come?

I needed space. I wanted time to
be alone. I didn’t want visitors.
You came.

You disturbed me. It was your fault.
I wouldn’t have harmed you if you
respected my privacy. I wouldn’t even
have touched you! You went around
touching things in the room
– without permission!
And you made a lot of noise.

I wasn’t even angry when I killed you.
I was just a little irritated. And I didn’t
hit you badly – just one simple blow.
My aim was to silence you – but not
silence you forever.
Forgive me!
I ask for forgiveness!

It was just a single blow
then you cried… then you

Why did you have to die?
Forgive me… but you... you are dead
…you can’t even forgive me – I just
hope guys will understand me:

I killed you because you disturbed me
…you silly wasp!