Friday, November 28, 2008

If Tears Could Cry

>>one of my old onesAug '08

If tears could cry…
If emotions could feel…
If pain felt pain…
If smiles could smile…
If laughter could laugh…
…and dreams could dream

What if they could?

One’s spirit knows him full well…
…for it is him

If tears could cry they’d cry so hard
Because they know the value of tears:
…the release that they offer
…the consolation they bring
…the power they carry and express
If tears could cry they’d cry and cry and cry…

If pain felt pain it would savor every moment
It would dive into the depths of each second of pain
For it knows the value of pain:
…the lessons learnt
…the experience gained
…the character it brings out and develops
If pain felt pain it would indulge in the moments…

If dreams could dream they’d do so every time
For they know the power of dreams:
…the inspiration
…the revelation
…the innovation
If dreams could dream I’d dream to be one

If smiles could smile they’d do just that
They’d swim in the ocean of smiles
For they know the worth of a smile:
…the love it shares
…the beauty revealed
…the joy released
If smiles could smile I’d smile at them

If you could cry, and feel, and smile,
And laugh, and dream…
…wouldn’t you do all that?

But wait! Can’t you??

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