Thursday, March 12, 2009

Alone, Just Alone!

When the lips of time
Are kissed by solitude
Fades into

Time is starry-eyed when
It looks into her face –
Burns to
Nectarine dreams

The mind is freed
By that divine kiss
To roam
The streets of
The immaterial

The eye is bent
By the afterglow
It turns to
Look deeply
To the soul

The soul is sole solace
Thus, man was made for solitude


I don’t know what step to take next
for I don’t even know where this journey might take
this man called me
Sometimes I wish I were just normal
just another kid on the block – not any more
of this man called me
I wish I didn’t know you love me, even when I am angry –
And that all I do is like eating ice cubes when you’re hungry.
I wish I didn’t know that all this journeying is futile –
maybe then I’d have enjoyed myself walking these miles
with this man called me
I wish I didn’t know that joy is a choice we make
and that it’s all vapor when your smiles are fake.
I wish I didn’t know – didn’t know what it takes
I wish I didn’t know it takes nothing but grace
and that it’s all already paid for – it’s a gift to embrace
that even as I run I’ve already won this race
I wish I didn’t know
Oh! This man called me
Sometimes he wishes the skies were pink
Sometimes he wishes that his poop wouldn’t stink
Sometimes he wishes that things were just a little different
Sometimes he wishes that he just wasn’t human
Oh! This man called me
The many words he is speaking melt away in his mouth
and the ink in his pen just slowly dries up
now only one sentence remains before he shuts up:

this man called me
loves me

The Reason

and though
I know
that this question
is in essence
an act of reason
I still shall ask:

why reason?

Purple Streaks

I am that purple streak in your hair
I’m that strand that stands out and makes them stare
and I am your thumbprints
and I am forever

I am unique.

I am the unseen halo that crowns your head
I am that one that dreams and sleeps on your bed
and I am those dreams
unknown to you

I am unmentioned.

I am the sun that rises from the west
I am the smiling one – greeting with a clenched fist
and I am the blue grass
the pink sky

I am weird.

I am the black hole that sucks the light in
I am a thousand drops of rain, the thunder, the lightning
and I am the one
you do not know

I am misunderstood.

I am your best friend’s best friend
I am the help when you are the helping hand
and I am a piece of love
marred by matter

I am wonder.

I am not the one staring at you staring at the mirror
that’s just a fragment, a piece, a part of me
I am not anything you see
I am your breath

I am invisible.

I am light and heat and water and air
I am now and then and here and there
and though a part fades away
I am immortal

I am forever.

I am unique
I am unmentioned
I am weird
I am misunderstood
I am wonder
I am invisible
I am forever
a purple streak

I am you.

PERFECT Stranger!

Those eyes of awe
I wish they stayed like that for long –
finding beauty in every of my stride
and picking strands of joy
every minute I open my mouth to speak.
I have no fear when I come to you –
my first impressions are always striking.
I know you want to talk to me
I am different –
It’s not easy to find one like me
But you burn to cinders slowly
as you keep the coal of craving
deep inside
You want to get to know me.
I know.
I make the first move.
I smile from the heart
and you feel these rays warm
you up inside.
Softly, you try and smile back:
afraid that maybe you’ll be
fake again; but I, being me,
bring you to yourself
I make you discover yourself,
love yourself, want to have me
as your forever friend
Then two days pass
and you get to “know” me –
next time we meet
our heads are full of expectations
You’ll know how I’ll talk
and walk
and smile
and pat
and hug
and do whatever

And I don’t make you smile anymore.
Forever ends today.
Those eyes of awe.
I wish they stayed like that for long.
but today is gone
and forever has flown with it.

You are a stranger,

Stay that way!