Thursday, March 12, 2009

PERFECT Stranger!

Those eyes of awe
I wish they stayed like that for long –
finding beauty in every of my stride
and picking strands of joy
every minute I open my mouth to speak.
I have no fear when I come to you –
my first impressions are always striking.
I know you want to talk to me
I am different –
It’s not easy to find one like me
But you burn to cinders slowly
as you keep the coal of craving
deep inside
You want to get to know me.
I know.
I make the first move.
I smile from the heart
and you feel these rays warm
you up inside.
Softly, you try and smile back:
afraid that maybe you’ll be
fake again; but I, being me,
bring you to yourself
I make you discover yourself,
love yourself, want to have me
as your forever friend
Then two days pass
and you get to “know” me –
next time we meet
our heads are full of expectations
You’ll know how I’ll talk
and walk
and smile
and pat
and hug
and do whatever

And I don’t make you smile anymore.
Forever ends today.
Those eyes of awe.
I wish they stayed like that for long.
but today is gone
and forever has flown with it.

You are a stranger,

Stay that way!

1 comment:

linda said...

hey stranger, i would love to hear your interpratation of this poem.