Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Be Blind To Beauty??

>>another of my old ones; Aug '08

There’s a flower somewhere out there
…and a bee is landing on it
There are clouds right up above you…
…those fluffy cotton balls, completely thrown onto
an infinite sea of blue

There’s a giraffe somewhere in Tanzania…
…slim and tall, eyeing the acacia tree it eats
And a Zebra lies beside it…
…enjoying its reflection as it drinks
from a dirty little pond

There’s an endearing girl right next to you…
…and an adorable boy in front of you
There’s something so so beautiful…
…that lies within your reach

There’s so much beauty around us
crying for our attention…
…waiting to be seen!
But there’s so much beauty within us
lazily sleeping…
…lying undiscovered

But can we see all this?

We do not think we are beautiful…
…but I am wondering: then who is beautiful?
We do not love ourselves…
…how will we love anyone else?

Discover yourself, and so enjoy the beauty that resides in you!
Love yourself, and see how easily you will be loved (and love again)!

There is so much power in what

We do not see the beauty around us
Because we have closed our eyes
To the beauty within us

Partly inspired by these quotes:
"Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance!" - Oscar Wilde
"Never underestimate the power of your dreams!" - Kellie Beal

>>Dedicated to Kellie Beal, my BEAUTIFUL friend!!

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