Friday, December 5, 2008

It All Speaks of You!!

I am in love with the sun's rays
as they race past me to embrace
the sad ground

In love with the weaver bird as it struggles -
in long lone selection of the perfect blade of
grass to create a hanging beauty for her
baby to live in

I am in love with the joy of music
and the heart touching moments
of gaiety and happiness -
moments that cannot be captured
by words or the mind -
only the heart!

I am in love with the flowers that dance in the rain
as everyone else hides under umbrellas and
in houses

In love with the log that swims joyfully in the flood

I am in love with the big blue sky -
the playground of kites as they're pushed slowly
by the wind -
and of eagles

In love with the night sky - deep and dark -
playground of the stars

I am in love!

I am in love with light and time and space

I am in love with life and death and eternity

So in love with these daily reminders -
this great design -
this beautiful beautiful earth...

O God, I am SO in love with you!!

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