Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Kissed The Sky

Did I laugh?
Or did I cry? -

I am mesmerized by the hazy lazy beauties
of luxury into the darkness
of oblivion - I cannot possibly remember!

How can I?
How do you expect me to?

Sitting on this computer -
clicking - moving to another one -
rotating... clicking... then
moving to another one -
realizing -
the truth that all I have done is -

How can I remember the sweet dance
of the tears -
mama tear and papa tear -
as he serenaded her
and she ran gracefully down my cheek he followed closely behind! -
how can I remember that??

It is impossible for me to remember the
delicious sensation that - in bitterness -
choked my throat -
How can I remember this laughter?

The problem with you is that you want
so many details -
and my problem is that I do not
remember - you remain with your questions
for I -
I did nothing but kiss the sky!!

"I did nothing..." you say, -
how can one "do" nothing?


Gladys Mwangi said...

hey??that's some DEEP STUFF you got thea!!!!!keep on keepin on bro.... :-)

Princely Hope Glorious said...

Thanx Gladys - ur comment was Oxygen 2 (O2) my soul...

((please write 2 me your wordpress site so I visit it nex tym u upd8 it!!))